Sunday, June 15, 2008

Lyk i LaP yaa bY da gaNg

Someone has been posting this vids in Youtube...

This is just random video that we made tym last day before 2nd school term hols at tingkat tiga, block A of my school... we partied there, for a while, then rena got this crazy idea of dancing... next thing we know, we are making dancing vid together...

Brani ko ah, huhuhu, nda minta izin g tu posting our vids
Anw, I hope you like it, and like my dance too... I was the girl yg dancing all the way through the video
First in the frame is rena, next is sur, then i came up from the stairs, later two boys come... the tall one is asri, the one who did wheelcart which almost kills me... the other one with a creative idea of entering with traditional dance style is Adie, he's the mastermind... And Pie recorded it, dri awal sampai abis

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