Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Holiday In Belait (24 Jun 2008)

So, Last 24 June, I finally manage to persuade my dad to bring us to Belait, just to have two days vacation from home... Now, U might not think its far, but believe me, living in the far north of Brunei,U might find that going to Belait is worth a shot. For those of you who doesn't know where Belait is, Its in the far south of Brunei.
Okay, I'll Make Your Life Easier, Here's A Map of Brunei, Notice Where I live (Muara) And My destination (Kuala Belait).

Sister Is All prepared for the long, Gruelling, Boring, Nothing-Much-To-See-Along-The-Highway-Except-Trees Journey to Belait... Nothing more boring to cope up with the journey to Belait than the boring Jane Eyre. Dad did say its gonna be a 2 hour journey.

~Sis Qilah & Her Jane Eyre Novel~

Its my first tym going to Belait, so for me, the whole journey was very exciting.

Sis has neva been to Belait before also, but she's kinda in the pesimist side, thinking that the 2hour journey is just another boring trip.
But I knew my sis well, U see.... She's always think that everything is bad, or meaningless at first, then as we progress through tym, she'll be quite happy again.
Anw, unlike my sis, who's having a great book to read, i got bored... really2 bored... so i kinda took some snapshots of Belait...
~The Distinctive Soon Lee Building in Sungai Liang~

~Sumwer in Sungai Liang~

~Near To Kg Pandan~

~Err, I don't know what or where is that~

~No Idea o_O~

Through the internet, I did some research about the hotels in Belait, two of which caught my interest. Riviera Hotel on the banks of Belait River, and Seaview Hotel & Resort. My dad chose Seaview as it is nearer to the beach. So we kinda get the address of the Seaview Hotel, and its located somewhere in Jalan Maulana.

Big Problems are still ahead, my dad neva been to Jalan Maulana before!!!!
So days before my family's trip to Belait, I kinda get some infos about Jalan Maulana from my friend in belait, Tok Kaduk of PBB SMSA. Tanx Tok Kaduk... Hehehe, helpful lah his infos, and i get to know that the hotel is next to Soon Lee Supermarket.
Berpandukan imaginary map which is not drawn to scale from my dad's organizer, we make our way through belait.

~Map Not Drawn To Scale~

Finally made it!!!!
Seaview Hotel & Resort!!!!
Hahahaha, so i was lyk searching for the beach wah, coz i couldn't find it anywhere, its lyk in the middle of a town kn. But, after I got to my room.... barutah ku nampak pantainya

~The view from my hotel room~

So, I was lyk, waaaaaaahhhh, good scenery, almost forgot that I'm still in Brunei. That Afternoon, Dad brought us around Belait Town, but we didn't get off the car. From the car, I could see the famous Tudung Saji Stall, but sadly I left my camera in my hotel room.

The most siok thing about sleeping in a hotel is that we can watch TV from the bed!!! I spent the whole night watching TV until I fell asleep. My sis was so sleepy after the long journey.

The next day, before we check out, we kinda spend 30 mins playing in the sand, breathing in the fresh sea-breeze. Later, we shop at Soon Lee Supermarket just a stone-throw away from the hotel.

Since Belait population are a lot lesser than Brunei dstrict's population, the goods are not in a high demand there, so we get to shop these high quality goods which exceeds the population's demand.

Mom got herself a bag, sis got herself 2 pairs of jeans. Dad, on the other hand, got himself a nice piece of clothing which I can't remember what it is. There's dozens of MP3, MP4 and mobile phones on display. Rows of beautiful blouses.

And All I could think of was foods to buy for the long, gruelsome, boring journey home.

PyJaMa GurL Says:

"Belait Was Not As What I Pictured It To Be,

It's Better"

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Dark Royals

So, I've been using the same MSN nick for a loooooooonnnggg time.
In Skewl, I'm known as D'Ba and in my Blog, the PyJaMa GurL.
However I'm Vampira D'Countess in MSN
~My MSN~
~My MSN Fwens~
So, if you haven't notice, there are seven ppl in my MSN who have their nick with Vampire or Vampira (the ones with the bats). It was C-Sur's idea of turning everyone into a vampire.
I'm their leader and they are my Dark Royals
So, how do I do it?
  1. Bite someone online with this sign *bite*
  2. Sometimes, I'll invite some of my vamp who happens to be online to have a bite with me
  3. Funny thing is, They'll wrote 'Foodd~~~, New Stock~~, Fresh Blood~~'
  4. Then, I'll go 'As the earliest Vampire, I shall give you a new name'
  5. Next, I'll write '__(insert name here)__, U shall now be called __(insert Vampire name here)
  6. After That, I'll write 'Welcome to my Vamp Empire, You Are one of the Dark Royals now, bow to your seniors.'
  7. Finally, They'll change their MSN nick into their new names

Then its done... Just Like That.

Well, there's no harm done here, I mean, we are not the real vampire.. We don't actually consume real human blood. Its just something we like to call as being a team. Besides, Its so much FUN

So lets check out the people I've bitten.

~Vampira D'Mist-Dayah~
~Vampire D'Lord-Fyzul~
~Vampire D'Jest-Hafiz~
~Vampira D'Duchess aka my secretary-Sur~
~Vampire D'Sapphire-Nadz~
~Vampira D'Dawness-Nina~
~Vampire D'Sielle-Syariff~
There's a lot more, but they were not online when I took those pictures. Here's the full list
~~~~~~~~~"^"~"^"~~~~~~~~~ My Dark Royals:
~Vampira D'Duchess-Sur~
~Vampira D'Dame-Pie~
~Vampira D'Mist-Dayah~
~Vampire D'Lord-Fyzul~
~Vampira D'Sapphire-Nadz~
~Vampire D'Duke-Asri~
~Vampira D'Marquis-Oren~
~Vampire D'Earl-Haziq~
~Vampire D'Doche-Yus~
~Vampira D'Lady-Zaa~
~Vampire D'Sielle-Syariff~
~Vampira D'Tsarness-Czuka~
~Vampire D'Mista-Que~
~Vampire D'Jest-Hafiz~
~Vampira D'Dawness-Nina~
~Vampire D'Knight-Wady~
Anw, what's a team without a Traitor:
~Vampire D'Marq-Eddie~
~Vampire D'Lad-Syafiq~
These traitor is just completely annoying. Eddie claims that he's a daywalker, then he said he's a zombie, next he told us he's a human... God knows what's he's gonna turn into next. And btw, he's kinda our enemy. Syafiq is just plain boring, he said he doesn't want to be a part of our Dark Royals.
In an attempt to defeat Eddie, I challenged him into a Games Of Four, Win By Point. Details in the next post. Hehehehe =D
PyJaMa GurL Says:
"Humans, Zombies and Vampires....
Race Doesn't Hinder Us From Being Friends"

Saturday, November 08, 2008

My Bad Habits

Wah!!! tup tap tup tap, dah As level, dah November
sooo many things happen tym ku nda blogging, and mostlynya aku forgot wat happen
So okay, today aku kn ceta about my bad habits, 2 of them, yg ku bru tau recently... So be prepare for the info's i'm gonna gif u.. Makes you think twice of the PyJaMaGurL...
Bad Habit #1
Forgetful... Very Forgetful




One Friday afternoon,

Mom: Bah Dib, karang sedia2... kn jalan ni... karang akhir tu kmu atu.

D'Ba: Ok tu Ma, btw, knapa kn bejalan ani?

Mom: Kn shopping membali calculator, gpun kakamu kn bali sumting.

D'Ba: Apa kn kaka bali ka?

Sis: Bantal baru ler....




1 hour after that

Mom: Bah, mama kn sembahyang ni, bpamu dtg kang trustah pkai baju.

D'Ba: Ma, kn kmana kn tani ani?

Mom: Nda plang jln jauh ni.... mama kn bali calculator baru, calculator mama rusak. Kakamu trus jua tu

D'Ba: Owh, bah... Kaka kn bali apa ah?

Sis: Astah, membali bantal waaa, bantal ku rusak dah.

D'Ba: Ooooo




30 mins later...

Mom: Bah, pkul 2 karang naik ah, bebaju tah, karang keakhiran marah plang bapamu

D'Ba: Awu ah, kn jalan shopping... Knapa tia shopping ani?

Mom: Eyh Dib, Mama kn membali calculator bah!!! Udah jua balik2 mama gtau... trus membawa kakamu bjalan.

D'ba: Kaka kn behapa ia shopping kn?


Mom: Pelupa jua bnar c Adib ani... MAMA MEMBALI CALCULATOR, ingati tu, CALCULATOR... KAKAMU MEMBALI BANTAL!!! Ingat!!!

D'Ba: Hehehehehhe, sori bah Ma... Exam week ni andang ku betukar jdi pelupa sikit...




5 mins later

D'Ba: Ma, inda ku ikut eyh, kn blajar geo, sok ada test.

Mom: Ada test ingat ko ah... bah2, jgntah ikut mun nda mau

Sis: Mun c Adib nda ikut, mlas jua ku kn ikut eyh

D'Ba: Bah2, mana tia saja




10 mins later

D'Ba: Ka, lajutah naik, nya mama pkul 2 mesti naik nya, pkai bju kn bjalan


D'Ba: Alamak :P


Hehehehehehe... Pelupa brabis ah aku atu...
Ok, Another story...




Balik dri Tutong lalu highway, melintas UBD Area

D'Ba: Ish, tarang jua eyh, ada pdang panya disini ani... tpi pdang apa ah?

Dad: Mun ko kn tau Dib, iatah Padang UBD tu...

D'Ba: Oooooo




1 month later, same place, blik dri melawat nini d JPMC

D'Ba: Wahh, ada padang rupanya dsini ani... Baru ku tau

Dad: Asta, iatah padang UBD tu... lupa kau?

D'Ba: UBD ada padang rupanya.




3 days later, same place, blik melawat nini d JPMC kali kedua

D'Ba: Eyh, ada padanglah siring highway, pdang apa ni ah?

Dad: Asataghfirullah, Padang UBD jua tu yg ko tanya 3 hari lapas...

Mom: Andangnya ni c Adib ah, tdi ceta pasal shopping membali calculator sama bantal pun ia lupa...

D'Ba: Sorryy waaaa... Exam week andang plupa skit

Dad: Mun cematu bek tah dbagitau awal2 ni.. atu asrama UBD, ani ni sini ah tmpat masuknya... Dlm atu iatah UBD tu... ah yg siring ni campus baru UBD, ingati tu ah...Jgn lupa g... ani apa namanya ni? *pointing at UBD entrance*

Sis: Hehehehehe

D'Ba: Awu bah... jgntah menyindir waaa... tau ku aku salah... :(

Bad Habit #2
Sendiri Tanya Sendiri Jawab
(Answering My Own Question)




One day in maths class

D'Ba: Naomi, how do you solve this? *showing my worksheet*

Naomi: Easy... You just

D'ba: Ooo.. okay, i see it, move to the other side then times... kk, tanx

Naomi: Err, I haven't finish explaining but...your welcome, i guess




10 mins later

D'Ba: I'm stuck, help me.

Naomi: Well...

D'Ba: Aha, okay, i know, i know, bring it to the front and make it a power, then solve using quadratic.. thank you!!

Naomi: D'Ba, no point ur asking me, u'll answer it also... *smilling*

D'Ba: Owh, sorry, I guess its annoying... Okay2, i'll stop.




5 mins later

D'ba: Naomi... This one? ooo wait, i see i see, times, then put down... ok ok

Naomi: .....

D'Ba: Erm, I did it again, didn't I? sooooo sooooorrrryyyy

Naomi: hmmm... yes D'Ba... you did.


Okay, soo sorry Naomi!!! Its not lyk I've gotten better after that... Yup, I didn't get any better... U want proof?
Next day (Friday)

D'Ba: Ma, mana babah? nda ku nampak ia dri tdi.

Mom: Asta... Bapamu

D'Ba: Awu ah, ari Jumaat jua ni... Babah sembahyang Jumaat bnar ah...

Mom: .... Ko ni, ko sendiri tanya, ko sendiri yg menjawab, apalah...

D'Ba: Ai2, alum g bebuang tabiat ku ah... aiiyyaaa... sorry Ma... hehehehe, Peace!!

See what I told ya'all
"To Forget Is To Be Ignorant,
So Pray To God That Nobody Cares"

Saturday, November 01, 2008

7 Things I Do On Halloween

Okay, I know saying Happy Halloween In Brunei seems so weird... Heck, nobody celebrates Halloweeen here... No children running down the streets wearing scary costume, knocking on the door saying "Trick Or Treat!!"... But that doesn't hinder me from having fun? does it?

So Here Are my Halloween To-Do List:

1. Watch Halloween Cartoons

2. Watch Halloween Movies

3. Update My Blog Profile

4. Make Vamp Empire Of My Own

5. Eats Lots And Lots Of Chocolate Candy

6. Read Horror Books

7. Put Scary Make-up On Face

So Far, I've Done Number 3 and Number 7.... Number 4 is one the way..

The rest I guess I have to do it 2moro... So, I'll Blog Again 2moro....
Till Then, See You!!!!
P/S: Hope You Like The New Layout