Friday, November 20, 2009

Exam Is OVER!!!

Laughing Maniacly as usual!!!
Yup!!! Gone with the wind, swosh, magically disappeared...
Ok, I won't deny that the A'levels are tough... They are... glad that its over... My head is about to explode I guess....
Can't say much yet, my mind is full of my newfound freedom
aaa yes, that word, that sweet little word....
Arghh, i should stop laughing... My head hurts. I guess its what happen if you study for 2 months with inadequate sleep and always drinking coffee and suddenly everything's gone and no more studying... And wat u get?
A headache!!
Argghh, My head hurts... again
Didy: What Do u want? Stop disturbing me, I'm trying to blog here... hello...
Brain: Feed me, by studying, just like the past 2 months, feed me!!
Didy: WTH?!?! 0_0"
Ok, soon enuff, i'll do some reviews on the papers I sat... Not today though, sorry...My brain is acting kinda weird... & I'm gonna rest for the day... myb play some games and I think I'm sleep deprived... [(-_-)]zzZZ
Owh ya, like the new layout? Hahahaha, I got bored of the dark background, that's y I chose a more lighter ones. Hope U guys like it... I'm kinda over wif those dark stuff for now... light colours shows more of aaa... sincerity... and innocence... which I think I'm lacking of..
Another thing also, got bored of the whole PyJaMa GurL's stuff... there's lotsa people who uses pyjamagurl as there online names. So yeah, I do realise that probably some of the unknown visitors visiting my blog thinks that I was the other pyjamagurl... probably...
So yeah, a reminder, i might change my blog address... But I'll tell u guys lah nanti ah, if i change my link, so u guys cn link me again... I'll confirm it later keyhs
Aha, one more thing... If ku alum link u guys a.k.a my blogger fwens, don worry, I'll do it nanti... but those yg ku nda link they're blog, probably coz ur link that I presently hav doesn't work anymore... So just leave ur new link in the cbox so that I can relink u
K, atu saja dulu ah, I'm off watching TV~~~

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