Thursday, February 26, 2009

<3 Valentine's Day <3 Vs Basketball Tournament????

Oryt2, first of all, Assalamualaikum Ya'allz
So Pai.... I'm updating aryt, take note on that, hahahahha XP
Hey, how's it goin me fellow beloved readers? It's the month of February, they say cupids is in the air, trying to shoot their nasty arrows at you!!! Ahahahahha, Get it? Its the month of Valentine's Day!!! Yeah, I don't celebrate it... High Five on that singles out there!!! Reasons...??
>Single (in case ya all hadn't notice)<
>Me Dad said, we should show our love to ppl everyday, not just one day<
High Five on that Daddy!!! We Luv Ya!!! Hahahaha, and that's also y my household doesn't celebrate Mother's & Father's Day... But that's another whole lot of story...
So, the famous C.G-7 Locker Crew.... apparently wasn't famous at all... Quite surprising though, there's a whole lotta us still single!!! So anw, since we don't have any plans on 14th February, the 'singles' planned to have basketball tournament... our single way spending Valentine's Day afternoon, singley... ahahhahahaha
All went well, until we had to postponed it till 19th February 2009 becoz of certain measure and circumstances needed to be taken into account... Do I sound official enouff? XP
Right, On With The PICTURES!!!!!
~Briefing By Referees & Scorekeepers~
~The Scorekeepers, Bee Suan & Zaa~
~Black Kembayau Team~
~Ironically, The BLACK Kembayau Team are petty much wearing colourful shirts~
~Lauk Masin Team~
And most of Lauk Masin team wear BLACK!!! Ahahahahahah XP
~Ahahahahaha XP~
~Zaa & Bee Suan (Scorekeeper) with Hafiz (Coach & Game Referee)~
~The Black Kembayaus are planning their strategy~
~Taking Positions~

~Oryt, GAME ON!!~


~C-Pai watching form the side bench~


Adeyh Pai, Serius jua... Walaupun batah menunggu main, apa jua ganya 10 min... Eceh, Posing dikit Pai....

~C-Pai Posing Fo The Camera~


~Among The Playaz is..... Czuka!!!~


~Ili & Mus, giving us moral supports...TANX!!!!~


~C-Sapik Kes Mental... Ahahhahahaha XP~


~C Mar!!! Ahahaha, mcam iklan Tourism Thailand (T-shirtnya) tah plang~


~I was fouled twice by him, the most hateful person in the court!!! Ahahahahaha XP nada deyh, sian.. baru first tym jadi referee~


~Aiks? Tinggi jua c rena? cemana bulih atu?~


We had quarter breaks every 10 mins, and we played for 40 mins in total.... Wanna check out what we did during the break?

~Gaya posing c Eddie menuang 100plus, waseyh, blh jadi model ni~


~C-Pai terlampau ngalih sampai telimpang~


~Eyh, Sapa ni nyampuk ani? Macam kenal ja...Ahahaha XP~


~C-Sapek Stress lagi.... Ahahhahaa, break pun masih stress kah?~


~C-Zaa tais liur liat c joo sie makan donut~


~The Star Playaz of Lauk Masin Team: Que & Syafiq~


The Results? Ahahahha, My team loses, Black Kembayau lose to Lauk Masin (18-6).... Oh well, at least we had fun!! And it doesn't matter if we win or lose, as long as we enjoy playing a sport that we love and spending tym playing it with those that we enjoyed being around


Oryt Pai, I hope u r satified now, udah ku update toh ah, ahahahahaha, ngalh ku upload kaliah pics ah, batah, kn dua hari ku nyiapkan.... =)

Ort Guys n Gals.... Care To Have The Last Pose??


PyJaMaGurL's Status:

"Having Fun While Cherishing Every Minute I Spend In Beloved PTE, Berakas~

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