Friday, February 13, 2009

Shot? Rash? Or Birth Defect?

Assalamualaikum Allzzz....
So okay, I assume ya'all have seen my 'picture of the week'
So lemme tell you a secret that was only known by my closest friend until today (or a curious someone that caught a glimpse of my bloody school uniform, not to mention any names... uhuk.dayah.uhuk... hahahaha XP, and later spread the words to other people). The reason why I cannot do any heavy sports (jogging, netball, basketball, etc) is because I have a RASPBERRY RASH on my tummy... or so its called... I don't really know what's the scientifical name for it... hehhehehe
So.... what is RASPBERRY RASH?
Well, truthfully speaking, I don't really know how to describe it.
Let's just show some pictures, see if ya'all have a sense of imagination.
Here's a raspberry
Here's a rash
Q: So, what's a raspberry rash?
A: It's a skin condition (or defect) that made the skin looked like raspberry skin, and it kinda looked like rash, although it doesn't really itch like real rash.

Do I sound scientific enough? Probably not, ahahahahaahahahaha!!!

So okay, back to the story behind my bloody uniform. My Raspberry Rash (here on will be called RR) got all bloody since December. Thing is, it doesn't bleed everytime... Sometimes it bleeds, and may last for a couple of months, and sometimes, it stopped bleeding, may last for another couple of months....

One Day,I found out that my plaster doesn't contain any blood smear watsoever. So I'm kinda happy coz I thought the bleeding has finally stopped.

Next day, I went to school feeling confident without wearing any plasters. It all went well, no blood on my uniform, no nothing.. so I became more confident that the bleeding has stopped. At around 3pm, I went down to the surau and decided to have some chit chat while stiing on the floor with Dayah outside the surau.... We recall back all the cartoons that we watched, and sang its theme song together. Happy Moments :)

When it's time to go home, I quickly pack my things and got up on both feet. Dayah looked at me in a puzzling stare. Then she half-scream. She saw my bloody clothes and thought something had happen to me!!!! Aahahahaha, her face expression was priceless. I should've pretend to faint that time, wonder what will she do...

So yeah, now everyone knows I have a raspberry rash.... I guess its time that i should tell people about it and not to hide it from people, since i don't want people to be as shocked as Dayah if my RR bleeds spontaneously.

My cousin on my mother's side have it... My other cousin on my father's side have it.... but their RR is really dormant, it doesn't bleed and practically smaller that mine... wonder why mine bleeds? I guess I'm too active!!! ahahaahahahaha

Ok, finally that's done with. You see, when I was still small, I always hide my RR from anyone... coz i didn't want to be different that other people.... but now as I grow up (practically 18 now) I realise that, being diffrent is being unique.... in a way...

PyJaMa GurL's Status:

"Uniquely Bleeds"

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