Friday, February 22, 2008

The Taklimat Opens Up Mind For Applying Scholarship

  • I came back from the Taklimat a new man… uh… girl. The taklimat opens my eyes in applying this once in a lifetime opportunity. Even my dad gave me green light to apply the scholarship scheme (before he doesn’t).

  • Never did saw Farhan in the taklimat, although we are in the same room and watched the same slides. He didn’t see me either… haha, guess we sit too far apart.

  • 3 scholarship scheme was introduce in the taklimat: - Skim Khas Pendidikan (SKP) - Biasiswa Pelajar Cemerlang (BPC) Dana Sumber Manusia - Biasiswa Perkhidmatan Pentadbiran Brunei Darussalam (BPPB)

  • I qualify for all the three above. Mum says I should apply SKP coz it will assure my job as a teacher. Dad says I should apply either BPC or BPPB coz they have a much open and wider career, also the allowance are much higher. My sister, though want me to stay in Brunei n hav my A’level here, then after finish A’level, get a BSP scholarship… Coz she said BSP wanted ppl that are taking my subjects

  • You want to know what I think?

  • I think I should Sembahyang Sunat Istikharah… So I took out one of my mum’s textbook (Zainul Thalib perhiasan penuntut, yes, it is bakas buku skulah ugama kitani.. what else is new) and check out on Sembahyang Istikharah… Its in Jawi n its been 3 years since I graduated from ugama school… but I still got it in me, mcm kacang saja ku membaca… hahaha

  • So for those of u that dono what Sembahyang Sunat Istikharah is or myb forgot about it, here’s an extracted text from the text book n I translate it to Rumi.

  • S: Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan Sembahyang Istikharah?

  • J: Sembahyang Istikharah ialah suatu sembahyang sunat dua raka’at, ia sunat dikerjakan apabila seseorang itu ragu-ragu pada menentukan pemilihan atau membuat sesuatu keputusan. Misalnya seseorang itu hendak kahwin sedangkan calon-calon terlalu banyak maka sunat baginya sembahyang istikharah untuk menentukan pilihanya, kerana Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala akan melapangkan hati hambanya itu dalam membuat keputusan yang tepat, Insya Allah.

  • In this textbook, it also stated the niat, bila waktu mengerjakan, surah apa yg dibcaa d raka’at pertama n kedua, n doa khas especially for sembahyang istikharah. But I don wana extrac all, if u wana know more detail about it, u can ask me later or buy religious books in bookstore.

  • So anyway, the last post was rather depressing. I felt like was about to cry when I did the last post, all this enormous feeling just pressure me until at one state I was about to be depressed. But now after I attend the taklimat, I’m more calm n open minded. If I am to apply the scholarship, I should giv 100% on my interviews and studies. As Farhan said, there’s no use applying it if I’m not interested coz out.. there are others, many in fact, that want this more than I do.

  • “In Every Echievement, There’s Always Sacrifice”

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Family Vs My Studies

Oh! The Almighty Allah... U hav bestowed upon me the greatest challenge there is... This humble servant of Yours beg You, please guide me through this challenge, and help me on making the right decision... Amin...
I came back from skul morning, i'm so happy that the PTE Folder Has arrived... I was so happy that my hand shakes evrytym i hold out my pen... It was the happiest moment in my life...

While I sums up all the payment for PTE registration, the thought of working in BSP came into my mind... Oh, how happy i am working as a geophysicist... Working out all those problems and drilling away through dirt and rabbles in search for petroleum oil...
My Imaginataion suddenly burst away wen my mum told me that i should giv 8 times more effort in A lvl... I Was so overwhelm of the thought of going to PTE that i observed the PTE Folder every so often... But Then...
My school called me in my cell, it was put on silent so i couldn't hear it but the vibration of my mobile was enough for me to noticed that sum1 was calling... I called my school back, not knowing wat lies across the phone... The Clerk picks up the phone and told me that i had a Memo from the MOE...
Quickly, i went back to my skul and receive the Memo rightaway... To My surprise... It was about a taklimat penganugerahan biasiswa... Back at home, i feel like i wana cry... i was happy dat i was chosen for a scholarship... but also sad that i had to leave my family behind to achieve it...
One of my fears going for a scholarship is that if anything happen to brunei, or to me, chances are, we can't be there for our family at that very moment... Happens to my uncle... His story made me and my sis to hav phobia of scholarship..
My Grandmother died wen i am still 5 yrs old... she was the last living biological parent of my dad and my uncles at that tym... When she was in her deathbed, my uncle was more than a thousand miles away from her... He was in UK.. The news came to him after my grandmother had died.. because of some matters to settle, he found himself back home in Brunei two days later and my grandmother was already buried.
Everytime we visited my grandmother's grave, he often cries while reading the Surah Yassin... All his brothers, niece and nephew grew accustomed to this since evry1 in my family knew this story...
I dono wat to choose ryt now.. i mean anything could happen anytym...
I went for a kursus of 6 days in tutong in dec 2006, and we slept there for the entire 6 days... Its my first tym going away from my family... And one of my friend's mother died only 2 days before we finished our kursus... And It made me worried wen i went to Japan for 10 days... I pray to Allah evry single day in Japan, in hope that nothing terrible will happen to me or my family...
And Now, the scholarship offers came in, and i dono wat to do...
"These Two True Story Leaves A Scar In Both My Mind And My Heart"

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

6 Perkara yg Allah SWT Sembunyikan

Thanks To My Friend Anzai Nakajima for this facts, He posted this in friendster bulletin.
I would like to share it with all of you and remind us all of The Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
6 perkara Allah sembunyikan
Allah SWT selesai menciptakan Jibrail a.s dengan bentuk yang cantik,
dan Allah menciptakan pula baginya 600 sayap yang panjang ,
sayap itu antara timur dan barat (ada pendapat lain menyatakan 124, 000 sayap).
Setelah itu Jibrail a.s memandang dirinya sendiri dan berkata:
'Wahai Tuhanku, adakah engkau menciptakan makhluk yang lebih baik daripada aku?.'
Lalu Allah s.w.t berfirman yang bermaksud..
Kemudian Jibrail a.s berdiri serta solat dua rakaat kerana syukur kepada Allah swt.
Dan tiap-tiap rakaat itu lamanya 20,000 tahun.
Setelah selesai Jibrail a.s solat, maka Allah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud.
'Wahai Jibrail, kamu telah menyembah Aku dengan ibadah yang bersungguh-sungguh,
dan tidak ada seorang pun yang menyembah kepadaku seperti ibadat kamu,
akan tetapi di akhir zaman nanti akan datang seorang nabi yang mulia
yang paling aku cintai, namanya
'Dia mempunyai umat yang lemah dan sentiasa berdosa,
sekiranya mereka itu mengerjakan solat dua rakaat yang hanya sebentar sahaja,
dan mereka dalam keadaan lupa serta serba kurang,
fikiran mereka melayang bermacam-macam
dan dosa mereka pun besar juga.
Maka demi kemuliaan-Ku dan ketinggian-Ku,
sesungguhnya solat mereka itu Aku lebih sukai dari solat mu itu.'
'Kerana mereka mengerjakan solat atas perintahKu,
sedangkan kamu mengerjakan solat bukan atas perintahKu.'
Kemudian Jibrail a.s berkata:
'Ya Tuhanku, apakah yang Engkau hadiahkan kepada mereka
sebagai imbalan ibadat mereka?'
Lalu Allah berfirman yang bermaksud.
'Ya Jibrail, akan Aku berikan syurga Ma'waa sebagai tempat tinggal...'
Kemudian Jibrail a.s meminta izin kepada Allah SWT untuk melihat syurga Ma'waa.
Setelah Jibrail as mendapat izin dari Allah SWT maka pergilah Jibrail a.s
dengan mengembangkan sayapnya dan terbang,
setiap dia mengembangkan dua sayapnya
dia boleh menempuh jarak perjalanan 3000 tahun,
terbanglah malaikat jibrail a.s selama 300 tahun
sehingga ia merasa letih dan lemah dan akhirnya dia turun singgah
berteduh dibawah bayangan sebuah pohon
dan dia sujud kepada Allah SWT lalu ia berkata dalam sujud:
'Ya Tuhanku apakah sudah aku menempuh jarak perjalanan setengahnya,
atau sepertiganya, atau seperempatnya?'
Kemudian Allah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud.
'Wahai Jibrail, kalau kamu dapat terbang selama 3000 tahun
dan meskipun aku memberikan kekuatan kepadamu seperti kekuatan yang engkau miliki,
lalu kamu terbang seperti yang telah kamu lakukan,
nescaya kamu tidak akan sampai kepada sepersepuluh
dari beberapa perpuluhan yang telah kuberikan kepada umat Muhammad
terhadap imbalan solat dua rakaat yang mereka kerjakan.....'
Marilah sama2 kita fikirkan dan berusaha lakukan...
Sesungguhnya AllahS.W.T telah menyembunyikan enam perkara iaitu :
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan redha-Nya dalam taat.*
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan murka-Nya di dalam maksiat.*
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan nama-Nya yang Maha Agung di dalam Al-Quran*
.* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan Lailatul Qadar di dalam bulan Ramadhan.*
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan solat yang paling utama di dalam solat(yang lima waktu).*
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan(tarikh terjadinya) hari kiamat didalam semua hari.*
Semoga kita mendapat berkat daripada ilmu ini.
Sila ceritakan cerita ini kepada saudara Muslim Muslimat yang lain agar menjadi renungan dan pelajaran kepada kita semua.
"Ilmu yang bermanfaat ialah salah satu amal yang berkekalan bagi orang yang mengajarnya meskipun dia sudah meninggal dunia..."

Saturday, February 09, 2008

What's Old And New, and Forever....

Introducing My Old Hair!!! Some say I look like one of jesus impersonator and others says i look like michael jackson after surgery... Ooo well, the point is, this was how my hair look like in late January 2008 before i cut it in early February 2008.
And here's is my new hair after trimmed and cut in early February 2008
Hey, I found a new bestfriend this late January... and here it is


The following pics are taken when we first met... To my surprise, it is in fact a nice burger... it even let me call it Zingy, My Best Friends!!

The next thing we know, we were laughing at each others joke...

And I realised that Zingy was rather the cutest burger i've ever met... i couldn't resist on pinching it... Zingy doesn't seem to care, i fact, it loves to be pinch...

But finally, we hav to face the fact that we were just too different to be together, I'm a predator and it is a prey... So I give it one last kiss before saying goodbye...

I know it was unhappy to leave me, so i told it that i will eat it slowly so that we hav more time to spend with each other...

So, I've already told u what's old, and what's new... now this it what's forever

Last Day Of School in SMPIHM

Yes, I'll keep that memories forever... The day that me and my classmate met for the very last tym in SMPIHM... From this day on, we won't be wearing green and blue checked skirts anymore...



Wednesday, February 06, 2008


No, Coach Carter is not my P.E teacher... Its a movie based the life of Coach Carter and his basketball team Richmond Oilers of Richmond Highschool. Samuel Jackson played Ken Carter the coach and one of my favourite artist Robert Ri'chard played ken's son, Damien Carter.

This movie is very, very inspirational and ambitious. It's about coach carter's abition to change his basketball players notjust into athletes, but student athletes. Meaning, he wants his boys to do well in both basketball and studies. When his boys grades fluctuates, he immidiately lock the gym door and won't open the door until their grades increases. I know, I almost cry when the basketball players refuses to play basketball before their grades increases eventhough the board of directors reopen the gym... well, if u watch it, u'll know wat i mean...

Next is Glory Road... also the same genre as coach carter, but this movie shows us how a basketball team of 7 blacks survive in the late 1960's with all the discrimination they get from the whites... The whites bullied them, kick their *** in the toilet, their hotel room was dirtied and there's warnings written in blood on the walls... Man, they got some huge guts to finally get to the national championship.

This movie didn't make me feel wanna cry, instead, i found myself jumping up and down, here and there, each time they score the ball. I was cheering for them as though it was a real game.

Ok... til next time...

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us."